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Whale swim boat tour with humpback whales in Moorea

Boat tour to observe and swim with humpback whales : from mid-July to mid-November



During their stay in French Polynesia, these fascinating marine mammals offer us beautiful interactions, especially with mothers and calves, as well as with awesome singer males.

WELCOME on board a comfortable and spacious boat, with a rigid hull and a wide shade covering.

On it's front deck you can also enjoy a tropical sunbath.

Friendly and attentive, our experienced and passionated team welcomes a with a small group, and guides you by snorkeling to swim with humpback whales and live a unique and safe adventure.


ENJOY - this oceanic expedition is a unique adventure to enjoy the beauty of ocean home, by interactive encounters with the marine wildlife found in the open ocean and the pristine lagoon, with perfect clear blue waters for viewing the sea life.

Observe marine species in their natural environment, from the boat or during snorkeling.

HUMPBACK WHALES are marine mammals, undertaking long migrations of several thousand kilometers each year.

They come to spend many months in Polynesian waters during austral winter, from August to mid-November, to give birth and mate, before leaving back in Antarctica to feed.

During their stay around Polynesian islands, living on their fat reserves, their activity is punctuated by rest and social activities.


They usually stay close to the island reef, even in Moorea's bays, thus protecting their calves from orcas, however they easily allow us to encounter them, as these gentle giants are curious of their environment and often sociable.


They are known for their spectacular jumps up to 16 ft out of water, and for their impressive, long, and complex songs of the males during the breeding season.

Competition between males for getting female's favors is often intense.

A female gives birth to one calf every 2 years, after about 11 months of gestation.

Shortly after birth, the female can mate again.

A strong love connects the mother with her only calf, that she nurses for many months. The mother is often extremely protective.

ENCOUNTER - RESPECT - Therefore this is very important to apply some observation rules for avoiding to stress them and to endanger the calf, as yourself too.

During expedition we guide you on either watching and swimming with humpback whales, and we focus to achieve the most natural encounter and get the best from the whales on their terms.

Upon "invitation" by these gentle giants, and if ocean conditions permitting, you may have opportunities to slip into the water for a safe guided snorkeling, experiencing an up-close and unforgettable encounter with the Queen of Oceans.

During our approach we put great emphasis on patience and the utmost respect for these majestic creatures who welcome us in their natural environment. Any swim encounter is dependant on the whale behaviour.

Encounter is possible only if the whale agrees it !

PLEASE be attentive to the instructions of your captain and guide, which must be followed.

Despite their good reputation, whales are very powerful with a phenomenal strength, weighing up to 45 tons.

A lack of knowledge of their behavior and an unwelcome approach can disturb them a lot, even might become a danger.

Share unique moments with mother and her curious and playful calf,

Discover the fabulous and melodious songs of a singer male,

Observe a couple, attentive to each other, or many males trying to gain female favors,

Being spectator of an impressive gathering of several whales....

Every day is different but always magical !


ADVENTURE - DISCOVERY - A whale swim tour occurs mostly in the open ocean, where other pelagic species might also be encountered, even sometimes interacting with humpback whales ; spinner dolphins, rough toothed dolphins, short-finned pilot whale, oceanic whitetip sharks....

RELAX - Back in the lagoon, surrounded by amazing crystal blue waters, swim with graceful stingrays which lightly brush up against you, and snorkel among black-tip sharks.


Frequently asked questions

     Are we sure to see and swim with the whales ?

We encounter the whales and other marine wildlife in their natural environment, so we depend on their will. Encounters can therefore not be 100% guaranteed. Opportunitues of encounter and swim are everyday different, so a program is not exhaustive. We generally estimate at 50% the chances of encounter and swim with humpback whales on July and November (start/end of season), and 90% in August, September and October (full season).

    Do we have to be a good swimmer ? Do we have to swim a lot ?

Local regulations concerning the distance imposed between whales and boat require you to swim 100 meters approximately for being able to approach them. When it's an easy approach and the whales do not move, underwater observation can be done on site. When the whales are moving, we may have to swim several tens of meters. All snorkelings are supervised by a specialized guide, do not hesitate to let him know any discomfort or difficulty in the water.

    What if we don't see the whales ?

From August 1 to October 31, if the whales have not been spotted during your tour, we invite you on a second tour for free. If the whales have been spotted but observable only from the boat with no swim possible, we offer you 50% discount on a second tour.

    Are they any restrictions on snorkeling ?

People suffering from medical troubles (pulmonary, cardiac, nervous) must inform us, so that we can give you a special attention. For people with a peacemaker swimming in open ocean is not recommended.

    Do we have to go into the water ?

Marine wildlife can be observed from the boat if you don't want to swim.

    Do you provide lifejacket for snorkeling ?

Lifejackets are used in case of emergency only, not for snorkeling as it not allow us to look underwater. Other flotation gear adapted for snorkeling is available onboard.


  Duration : hald day (4 hours minimum).

  Start / return time : boat pickup between 7:45am and 8:45am depending on your pickup place, and return at 1:00pm approximately.

  Car transfer from your accommodation is available if needed.

  Snorkeling gear (fins, masks, snorkels) supplied onboard if you don't have yours.

  Details information shared about life, society and behaviour of humpback whales and other marine species encountered.

  Half day REGULAR TOUR or Half day PRIVATE TOUR.

  PRICE : hald day regular tour : 10 000 xpf (US$110) per adult - hald price for children under 10.

  Baby is allowed onboard after 2 years old.

  PHOTO/VIDEO package available on request - extra charge

Helpful Advice

 The "maaramu", a strong tropical wind during austral winter, cool and dry, may be present some days, so it's recommended to bring warm clothes onboard and for swimming.

  Most of expedition occurs mostly in open ocean, out of the lagoon. Protected areas from the wind and swell are preferred but whales may also be in more turbulent areas. If you suffer from seasickness, it's strongly recommended to take preventive measures.

Take care of our natural environment

  Use a biodegradable sunscreen which respects ocean and preserves coral.

  Avoid to bring plastic bag onboard which might be lost in ocean.

  Respect marine wildlife : follow instructions of the guide, keep your distance from marine wild animals, and do not touch them.

  Coral is fragile, to avoid his destruction or to hurt yourself, observe without touching it or walking on.